Creative Approach
We’re several weeks into the shelter-in-place orders, and despite social distancing, homes are still being listed, shown, purchased, and sold. How? By using touchless technology!
Touchless technology, such as digital mortgage applications and virtual tours, had been available before the pandemic. In fact, the mortgage industry was already transitioning to all-digital, and so had our office.
And thanks to creative problem solving and adapting to a touchless transaction, we, along with real estate agents, can continue to serve the buyers and sellers in our community.
These are a few examples of how the real estate and mortgage industry are working to bring you a touchless, all-digital home buying experience.
Real estate agents are creative when it comes to home showings. Many are conducting live virtual tours, primarily through Zoom, while others are doing limited home showings, following the guidelines of wearing personal protective equipment and social distance.
Appraisals and inspections may also be done this way, coordinating with one another to avoid contact. Sometimes, inspections are done as a drive-by.
When it comes to mortgage applications and closings, the touchless experience is even more impressive.

How a Touchless Closing Works
A touchless, or digital, closing is one where none of the parties are physically together at the same time. The old touchless way meant buyers and sellers pre-signed paperwork, then mailing it overnight or dropping it off curbside. However, with today's technology, all that work is unnecessary. From application, to document submission, to signing and final funding, today's touchless mortgage is 100% digital.
Even processing your loan, from our side, is entirely touch-free!
This is undoubtedly is a drastic shift from how loans were done in the past, where all parties where physically present, physical documents were filled out and submitted, paper shuffling lengthened the time to closing.
Sounds archaic --doesn't it? Even without the health requirements for a contact-less mortgage, you can see how useful a digital mortgage is. It just simplifies it!
The real estate and mortgage industry were already shifting, and the current needs for social distance pushed it up front and center.
Thanks to creative workarounds, real estate agents, sellers, buyers, and mortgage pros like us are managing settlements via alternative means. Not only is it safer during these uncertain times, but it also it's faster and easier.
Of course, touchless does not mean that you're in this alone. We're available more than ever before to help you with your homebuying goals.