Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent for a Pleasant Homebuying Experience

While buying a home is a wonderfully positive event, it still presents challenges, and that’s why most work with a real estate agent. Over the years, we’ve partnered up with many outstanding agents, and we understand how valuable their expertise is for you, the home shopper. We also know that it may be difficult to discern which agent is right for you. After all, not only will you spend a lot of time with your agent, but you’ll be relying on their professional guidance.

lana-loan-Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent

Here are our top questions to ask when interviewing a real estate agent and finding your "perfect match."

Do you have experience in my desired location, price point, or buying situation?

Why this matters: You want an agent who is skillful at their craft as well as knowledgeable as to know how to apply it to your situation. There are many nuances to buying a home, and not every buyer's needs will be the same. So while all real agents are capable, previous experience often leads to a more pleasant outcome. This is especially relevant with it comes to the agent's knowledge of your desired neighborhood.

How do you determine which homes are a potentially good match for your clients?

Why this matters: Your time is valuable, and sifting through homes that are all wrong is exhausting and wasteful. If they say that they inquire about what is on your "must-have" list and what's on your "must-avoid" list, you know the agent is on the right track.

How do you approach stressed clients?

Why this matters: Even though you're excited about buying a home, don't be surprised if it also has you feeling anxious or stressed. Since everyone has different tipping points and ways to cope with stress, only you can discern whether that particular agent will work well with you when you're feeling anxious. Decide whether you work better with someone who will encourage you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps or empathically console you.

Are you buying a home with a partner? Remember to consider their stress thresholds too.

How often do you communicate with your clients, and what is your preferred method?

Why this matters: Communication with your agent touches your entire home purchase process. Does their method match your preference? Some home shoppers want frequent text updates while others prefer a "roll-up" of updates in a single email, reserving phone calls for only the most urgent updates.

Remember Your Mortgage Professional

A mortgage professional requires just as much consideration as a real estate agent – especially since getting pre-qualified is the recommended way to begin house hunting. Even real estate agents agree that finding a trusted mortgage professional is step number one.

Finding Your Perfect Match

Getting to know the people who will guide you through the home-buying transaction is an essential part of the journey. After all, it is one of the biggest investment and lifestyle decisions you'll make in your life. Interested in learning more about our mortgage services or looking for outstanding agent recommendations? Let's talk.